Some of the benefits of purchasing your CBD oil in bulk are that you get enormous discounts and save yourself the hassle of ordering a single bottle every now and then. However, as CBD oil contains active ingredients, it has a shelf life, and its quality and effectiveness tend to deteriorate with time. And if improperly stored, the concentration of the cannabinoids and active ingredients in the CBD oil will start decreasing, and with it, the relaxing and therapeutic effects of the CBD oil.
It, therefore, goes without saying that you have to take storage seriously if you want your CBD oil to maintain its potency and shelf life for as long as possible. And to help you deal with this storage problem, we have created a guide on how to store your precious CBD oil effectively.
Tips for storing CBD oil
The effective method of storing CBD oil can be summarised in one sentence. Keep it in its original container and store it in a dark, cool, dry place and away from heat and humidity. The reason is simple. CBD oil is sensitive to oxygen, light, temperature, moisture, and contaminants and will start deteriorating when exposed to them. However, you can rest assured that your CBD oil will stay at its peak conditions, with all its benefits intact, provided you meet the above storage conditions. The CBD oil has to be kept in a cool, dark, and dry place to ensure that the cannabinoids in the CBD oil don't deteriorate.-
Keep the CBD oil in its original container and store it away from direct sunlight
Keep the CBD oil in a cool, dry place, away from heating and electronic appliances
Always use a clean dropper or spoon when taking CBD oil
Tightly close the container cap after consuming your daily CBD oil dose
Can I store CBD oil in a refrigerator?
Yes. It is possible to store CBD oil in a refrigerator, especially if you live in a warm region where room temperatures are high. However, storing CBD oil in a fridge has one major disadvantage: it results in the thickening of the CBD oil due to the low temperatures. This, in turn, leads to difficulties while extracting the CBD oil with a dropper and incorrect dosages. However, this issue can quickly be resolved by dipping the CBD oil container in a bowl of warm water for a few seconds.How long can I consume my CBD oil after opening it?
Unopened CBD oil can remain fresh for 18-24 months when stored under the right conditions. But after being opened, it can retain its freshness and effectiveness for another six months before its cannabinoid profile starts to deteriorate. So naturally, you should consume all the CBD oil within 12 months after opening it least its effectiveness disappears, and it is rendered useless.Can CBD oil expire? And how can I tell if my CBD oil has gone bad?
CBD oil, like natural products, tends to go bad, either because it is past its expiry date or due to poor storage. And usually, it is easy to tell whether your CBD oil is past its consumption date by reading the expiration date on the original container. However, if the dates are illegible or the label has fallen off, you can tell your CBD oil is past its prime by checking for the following indicators:- It has a skunky smell rather than the earthy smell of fresh CBD oil.
- It is thick and murky or dark, a clear sign of degradation.
- It tastes rancid or bland rather than “nutty”, “grassy”, or “earthy”.